Place-Based Art Education
6 hr workshop
Place Based Art Education has the potential to renew and strengthen cultural identity while building community and working towards sustainability. In this workshop teachers will be introduced to the concept of place-based art education. We will discuss sustainable art materials, local relationships, and curriculum content. In the first half of class we will review related concepts, theories, practical strategies and resources. In the second half of class we will workshop strategies to implement place based art education in participant specific contexts.
Course Goals
Critically evaluate your relationship to materials as art educators. Establish familiarity with natural and synthetic approaches to making art supplies. Cultivate awareness of the transformative potential of holistic and self-determined approaches to art education.
Suggested Readings
Downloadable PDFs will be provided to participants
Clover, Darlene. Toward Transformative Learning, Ecological Perspectives in Adult Education, 2002.
Gablik, Suzi. “Connective Aesthetics.” American Art, vol. 6, no. 2, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc, 1992, pp. 2–7, https://doi.org/10.1086/424147.
Hilary Inwood. “Mapping Eco-Art Education.” Canadian Review of Art Education, Research and Issues, vol. 35, Canadian Society for Education Through Art, 2008, p. 57–.
Hooks, Bell. “Chapter 1: Engaged Pedagogy” Teaching to Transgress : Education as the Practice of Freedom . New York: Routledge, 1994. Print.
O’Sullivan, Edmund, Amish. Morrell, and Mary Ann O’Connor. “Chapter 1: The Project and Vision of Transformative Education” Expanding the Boundaries of Transformative Learning : Essays on Theory and Praxis . lst ed. New York, N.Y: Palgrave, 2002. Print.