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Sustain(ability) & the Art Studio
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This course prepares artists and art educators to develop ways of thinking about sustainability in their practice, both conceptually and physically. We discuss the implications of a place-based practice and question the function of art to inform what a meaningful practice can entail today. Concepts, practical strategies and resources relating to sustainability and art are addressed throughout the course. Various natural art processes are covered including charcoal, natural paints, inks & dyes, handmade paper and recycled materials. The last two classes are spaced out for participants to pursue their own creative projects informed by course content. 

About the Course

This course is taught through the Center for Art Education and Sustainability (CAES). The course was originally created by Ivan Asin, the founder of CAES and has been expanded upon by myself, to incorporate post-colonial theory, environmental justice and critical making reflection in light of holistic approaches to art and art education. 


Below are some teaching exemplars of the material covered:

Historical Context

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Related Concepts

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